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House Maritz

Client: Mr & Maritz | Date: June 2017 | Type: Residential

House Maritz evolved from a sketch that the client had in fact provided and had been dreaming of for some time. Naturally the plan was developed to take various elements into account that the site offered over and above what the client may not have envisaged. This helped the idea grow into a real project that the client was fully integrated with. The house consists of two main entities, a private living space and a public open plan living and entertainment level. The two are then linked by the heart of their home, the kitchen and family space that binds the two wings together. The house although large in floor area, was designed to sit nestled in the site utilizing the lie of the land by reducing the scale as far as possible, but in the same breath accentuating it where required. Overall the house is intended to be well grounded, provoking a sense of relaxation and ‘african-ness’.

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