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House Hutton

Client: Mr & Mrs Hutton | Date: August 2018 | Type: Residential

A new residential design on a sub-divided corner site in Walmer, Port Elizabeth. The biggest challenge architecturally was that the proposed site had various building lines that we had to adhere to, as well as a bore-hole that we could not build over and thus hindered the buildings position. The architecture of the design is definitely more modern, with some industrial elements, which contrasts the architecture of the surrounding homes. The scale of the building, assisted by the kink in the roof angle is very dominant when viewed from the road. An elevated staircase that forms the frontage over the entrance door to the road, which creates a striking design feature. The staircase aims to remove the occupant from the downstairs level by creating a floating link between the two floors. The position of the borehole was also retained as it meant that we could float the staircase over the bore hole position.

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