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Olivewood Rosewood
Deck Venue

Client: Olivewood Golf Estate | Date: November 2019 | Type: Hospitality

Situated on the outskirts of East London, Olivewood Golf Estate offers great estate living and is in close proximity to some of SA’s best coastal resorts.

The site that is now the ‘Rosewood Deck Venue’ was previously a decked platform where once a beautiful large Rosewood tree existed.

The tree was central to the deck and clubhouse but sadly collapsed during a storm that swept the area. The loss of the tree sparked conversation around the need for a new identity, but more importantly a function that could be introduced to the deck offering further income revenue and attraction for the club.

A multipurpose venue that could lightly impose itself onto the existing decked structure was visualised. The glass and steel structure formed a simple yet elegant conservatory type building making itself accessible during all seasons of the year for anything from weddings to corporate functions.

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